St. Patrick’s Day Potato Painting
St. Patrick's Day is less than a week away. Do you decorate for all the holidays? We're just starting. We've always decorated for Christmas and carved pumpkins for Halloween, but now with little kids, I feel a bit more of an obligation to do so. A happy obligation, but an obligation none-the-less. So this year, we've come up with a super simple St. Patrick's Day Potato Painting. A cute and festive wall hanging.
Kid’s Favourite Playdough
It's been raining the entire week, here in Georgia. I don't mind a nice rainy evening here or there, but I'm over it. Ben wants to go outside, I'm ready for some sunshine and fresh air. Frankly, we're all a little bored, stuck inside. That's until, my girlfriend mentioned she had made playdough this past weekend, and a light bulb went off! That's when, I decided today was homemade playdough day! This dough has easily become my Kid's Favourite Playdough.
Bean Bin For Toddlers
Beat toddler boredom with a bean bin! Or, in our case, overuse of the iPad. Our son has been particularly obsessed with electronics lately, and with a brand new baby in the house the iPad has been an easy go-to. That's when, I decided to come up with some smart distractions, Bean Bin For Toddlers was the answer.