Hot Vinegar Pan-Fried Beets (Two ingredients)

Hot Vinegar Pan-Fried Beets may seem a little misleading. These beets are not spicy at all. I just mean hot as in temperature and vinegar as vinegar not pickled. I see a lot of recipes for pickled beets, but this is not that. This is one of my favourite side dish recipes EVER. I’ve always loved these beets. This is how we grew up eating this pretty red vegetable. And let me tell you this was one side I NEVER skipped and for a young kid, that’s saying a lot.

These beets remind me of my grandparent’s home on the farm. I can’t remember a meal out there that didn’t have beets, or quick-pickled cucumbers, or mashed potatoes for that matter. My grandpa was a meat and potatoes guy, so that’s what was served. I went through a strange phase when I was young and decided I no longer liked potatoes. Seriously what was wrong with me? The only other person, I knew that also didn’t like potatoes was my grandma. Maybe that’s why there were always beets. I’m not sure, but there was never a complaint from me!

HOW TO MAKE Hot Vinegar Pan-Fried Beets
- 2 bunches beets (3-4 beets per bunch)
- 3 tbsp vinegar
You’ll also need water to boil the beets and about 2 tbsp butter for frying.
- To start, clean up the beets, remove the stems and give these a wash. Cut an “x” into the top of the beet (where you cut off the stems). Trim the root tail. And boil these until fork-tender. Same as you would a potato.
- Once they’re ready, drain them and run them under cold water. Pro-tip: peel the skins off under cold running water so your fingers don’t end up dyed red. Using your thumb and a bit of pressure, rub off the skins on the beets.
- Once the beets are fully peeled. Cut them into large chunks and put them into a medium frying pan with a bit of butter. Fry on medium-high heat until the beets are hot, about 6-8 minutes.
- Stir in the vinegar.
- Serve immediately.

My mom swears this is the best and only way to make beets. I agree wholeheartedly. While I haven’t tried many other versions, for these beets, though, I’ll stick with the old adage that you don’t mess with a good thing! And these beets ARE a good thing.

Loved Hot Vinegar Pan-Fried Beets? Check out these other minimal ingredient recipes below, I’m sure they’ll hit the spot. And check back next Tuesday for another two-ingredient recipe!
If you get a chance to make this or any other recipe on the blog and want to share. Please feel free to tag @candyjarchronicles or use #candyjarchronicles on Instagram, so I can see your post. I’d love to see what you’re cooking in your kitchen!
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You don’t mention what kind of vinegar you use to cook these. Apple, white, or something else?
Just white vinegar. Thanks for the question, Elyse. I hope you enjoy these.