• Have a mermaid obsessed daughter with a birthday coming up? Click on the link to learn How to Make a Mermaid Crown and score the best mother of the year award. Your daughter will be thrilled with her new birthday crown adorned in seashells and pearls. Even her guests won't be able to resist trying it on.

    How to Make a Mermaid Crown

    If you've been following along, you already know that my husband and I have two little boys, and might be wondering why I'm about to show you How to Make a Mermaid Crown. Well, this year, I got to pitch in for my niece's birthday and help make it extra special. You see, her and her brother's birthdays fall just over a week apart, so they've always shared a party. This year they each got their own. Theirs to choose the theme and help decide all the details. My niece chose a mermaid party.

  • Dad’s Cereal Bowl is the ultimate gift for the cereal lover in your life. The perfect surprise for Father’s Day. A nostalgic craft that’s easy to make and super functional. Give him a thoughtful dish loaded with memories.

    Dad’s Cereal Bowl

    I'm not sure about you guys, but do you have fend for yourself nights? Those night's when I haven't prepared dinner and time's up, everyone's hungry. Well, in our house these are fend for yourself nights. It basically means we're eating leftovers, or it's a peanut butter sandwiches or something else super easy, but I'm not putting in any effort and definitely not cooking. My husband's go to meal on fend for yourself night is usually cereal. So with Father's Day around the corner, I knew getting his own Dad's Cereal bowl would be a huge hit for him.

  • Skip the traditional guest book and go with this fun new twist, a Guest Book Gallery Wall. Instead of guests writing a few sentences in a dated book, have them paint a 6" square canvas. No rules apply, put out some paint and brushes and give everyone a canvas and see what your friends and family will essentially create for you. Hang your memories in a spot that needs a little pop of colour. By far our favourite craft yet.

    Make Your Own Guest Book Gallery Wall

    I've been wanting to share this post with you guys for a while now. This Guest Book Gallery Wall is probably my absolute favorite craft that we've ever done in our home and it's all because I watch too much reality TV. If you are a fan of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, you may remember the episode when Yolanda painted the mini canvasses for her daughter. They hung a collage of them in her daughter's new apartment. I immediately thought what a cool idea and had to come up with my own version.

  • Upcycle all those leftover clear glass vases you have in storage with this super cute Sunset Ombre Vase. Using a little acrylic paint and your DIY abilities, hand paint those neglected vases into new centerpieces for all your summer bouquets. An easy craft that takes very little time.

    Make your own Sunset Ombre Vase

    I came across this super cute vase in the HGTV Magazine a couple months ago and fell absolutely in love with it. The original can be found here, but with this tutorial you can make your own for a fraction of the cost. A little DIY is all that it will take to create your own Sunset Ombre Vase.