Min-Tea Hot Chocolate (Two Ingredient)
So, I thought I'd share the recipe that started the whole two-ingredient Tuesdays series. My cousin, Chantelle, had actually mentioned this was her new must-have drink and as soon as she typed in the ingredients I knew I was going to love Min-Tea Hot Chocolate, too!
Grown-Up Cherry Hot Chocolate
Hey, y'all! That's my southern influence showing. Those of you who know me or who have been following know that I grew up in Canada but I have since been transplanted to the south. While I love all this Southern Comfort food, today, I want to talk to you about one of my Canadian favourites, Grown-Up Cherry Hot Chocolate.
Summer Rhubarb Slush
Summer Rhubarb Slush is the drink you need while basking in the sun or lounging by the lake. It's a baseball game thirst quencher and a backyard barbecue bevy. This slush is the perfect blend for rocking on the porch with a light breeze blowing through your hair. It's a quick sip while swinging in a hammock. And a toast to good friends around a picnic table. Basically, it's the mascot for perfect summer days.