Cereal Bark (Two Ingredients)

Hi friends! I hope this post finds you healthy and happy. I wanted to reach out quickly before we got into this Cereal Bark recipe–it’s so good! But before we snack, I wanted to let you know this will be my last #twoingredienttuesday post. There will still be delicious ideas coming your way on Thursdays and Sundays as usual, but I’m feeling a bit stretched thin these days.

My work/life balance has become a bit skewed and if this pandemic has taught me anything it’s that time is precious. My boys are little and I really want to enjoy as much of them as I possibly can. So, with that, I’ve decided to table two ingredient Tuesdays (say that five times fast) and really focus on those great recipes that I can be proud of and that I’m sure you’ll enjoy. There will still be a sprinkling of two, three, four and five ingredient recipes, of course, we can all use an extra few of those, right?! But in the meantime, I’m going to step back a tiny bit and enjoy my family. I hope you can find some time to do the same with a generous helping of today’s treat!

My husband is a cereal eater. Not the cereal for breakfast kind, but the any other time of day cereal eater. He prefers a bowl of cereal over ice cream at the end of the day, which suits me just fine because it means more of the frozen goods for me. He does, however, have a problem finishing a full box of cereal. Too often, I find almost empty bags, which irks me like crazy, but then I started making the leftovers into Cereal Bark and now I’m not so mad anymore.

So, let’s talk turkey, two ingredients and about three minutes of prep is all this tasty snack needs. Sure it has to set, but let’s be honest, you and I both know you will most likely try the still-hot mixture before you pop it into the freezer to cool down. And I don’t blame you, I do it too!
After it sets, feel free to munch on this easy recipe whenever you like! My husband may not be a fan of cereal at breakfast, but I’m not opposed to eating this chocolate-covered version at the start of my day!

HOW TO MAKE Cereal Bark
- 2 cups puffed wheat cereal such as Honey Smacks
- 2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
- sea salt, optional
- Melt the chocolate chips in the microwave in fifteen-second intervals, stirring between each session.
- Once the chocolate is fully melted mix in the cereal and stir until coated.
- Spread mixture on a parchment-lined cookie sheet and spread around. Sprinkle with sea salt.
- Freeze until set about 30 minutes and then break apart into smaller pieces.
- Store in an air-tight container in the freezer.

The next time you need a quick dessert or a sweet and salty pick me up. Look no further than your pantry. You probably have a bag of chocolate chips that were earmarked for a recipe that you never got around to and I’m sure there’s enough cereal to make yourself some Cereal Bark!

Loved Cereal Bark? Check out these other minimal ingredient recipes below, I’m sure they’ll hit the spot. And check back next Tuesday for another two-ingredient recipe!
If you get a chance to make this or any other recipe on the blog and want to share. Please feel free to tag @candyjarchronicles or use #candyjarchronicles on Instagram, so I can see your post. I’d love to see what you’re cooking in your kitchen!
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