French Toast with Easy Brown Sugar Lemon Sauce
Updated August 1, 2020 with new photos and a slight modification to the recipe.

My mom grew up eating French Toast with Easy Brown Sugar Lemon Sauce. I have never come across anyone who knows about this wicked combination. It’s our family secret, at least, until now! I’ve turned a few friends on to this french toast sauce, and everyone that’s tasted it, is a fan. Are you ready for the sauce that will change the way you eat French toast, from here on out?

One of the items on my 101 things in 1001 days list is to start a Sunday brunch tradition. Do you make brunch? I adore the idea of having friends and family over for a big breakfast spread. Breakfast IS the most important meal of the day, or so they say. And frankly, it’s probably the tastiest. So, in my opinion, it must be celebrated.

I’ve been making the same French toast recipe for as long as I can remember. I have a hard time measuring anything in this recipe, because it’s been in my breakfast repertoire for so long! It’s a super easy recipe that comes together quickly and frankly, never fails.

Let’s talk about the brown sugar lemon sauce, for a minute. I can’t remember eating French toast any other way, in my whole life. I think, we all have that meal, that’s a little different than the norm or maybe it’s the twist on a classic that your family swears by.

It’s like your own personal story with food. I love that! This French Toast with Easy Brown Sugar Lemon Sauce is ours. Anytime my Mom would serve French toast she’d always haul out the old Tupperware container that housed the brown sugar and the signature bright yellow lemon juice bottle, that we’ve all seen. While my brother and I would eagerly wait for the French toast to hit the table so we could start.

We’d each take a spoonful of brown sugar and spread this over the hot French toast, making sure to get the sugar to the very edges of the bread. I’m not this picky anymore, but as a kid, you didn’t dare miss those edges, you wanted every bite to be covered in this sweet and slightly sour sauce. Once the brown sugar was on, we drizzled the whole works with lemon juice.

The brown sugar and lemon come together to form this amazing sauce. It’s sweet and sour. It starts out with little grains of brown sugar, but the longer it sits, the more it dissolves and you end up with this tart, yet perfectly pleasant syrup. By far the best French toast topper in the history of French toast accompaniments.

Seriously, you won’t be disappointed! You may even end up, like me, asking for a little bowl of brown sugar and lemon slices anytime you order this in a restaurant. Waiters with raised eyebrows and confused looks from other patrons won’t stop you! Welcome to our little club, it’s growing fast, but there’s always room for new fans!

How to make French Toast with Easy Brown Sugar Lemon Sauce
First, tackle the bread using my favourite French toast recipe. Whisk together eggs, milk, vanilla and cinnamon. Dip each slice of bread in the egg and milk mixture, let this soak up a bit of the mixture, not so much that it’s sopping wet, though. My bread suggestion is thick slices like texas toast or sliced brioche, but whatever you have, should work. Fry in a non-stick pan and cook until golden brown, then flip and cook until the second side is golden.

So now, it’s really just a matter of serving them. Set a slice of cooked French toast on your plate, and with a spoon put a small scoop, about a tablespoon or two, (depending on the size of your bread) on top, and using the back of the spoon, spread this over the toast. Finish it with a drizzle of the lemon juice over the brown sugar. You don’t want this to be soaking wet, because it’ll be too sour, you want just enough to wet everything,

While it sits, the lemon juice will start to dissolve the sugar and it’ll turn into a syrup. Add a little more lemon if you feel it’s not melting enough. That’s it! It’s so simple but it’ll change the way you eat French toast forever. Want to take it up one more notch? Dip your bacon in the syrup, you’ll hit sweet, lightly sour and savoury in one mouthful, soooo good!

The next time you have friends or family over, serve this, and then watch their puzzled expressions, as you set out the brown sugar and lemon juice. Give them a little direction and after the first bite, watch their heads all nod in approval. It’ll be a hit, it always is!

If you love this dish, check out these other delicious recipes, I’m sure they’ll hit the spot:
- Milky Way Rice Krispies Squares
- Melt In Your Mouth Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Grandma’s No Bananas Foster Sauce
If you get a chance to make this or any other recipe on the blog and want to share. Please feel free to tag @candyjarchronicles or use #candyjarchronicles on Instagram, so I can see your post. I’d love to see what you’re cooking in your kitchen!
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French Toast with Brown Sugar Lemon Sauce
I’m sure there will be a few skeptics after reading this, but I dare you to give this French Toast with Easy Brown Sugar Lemon Sauce a try. This is my favourite French toast recipe and it’s topped with a simple, yet impressive sauce that will change the way you eat breakfast forever.
- 8 slices Thick cut Texas toast bread or brioche bread
- 4 eggs
- 1 cup whole milk
- pinch cinnamon
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 cup brown sugar
- 1 lemon juice, fresh or small squirt bottle
Whisk together eggs, milk, cinnamon and vanilla extract in a shallow bowl.
Heat a non-stick pan over medium heat.
Soak a slice of bread in the egg mixture for about ten seconds. Make sure it's coated on all sides and then lay it onto the pan.
Cook for a few minutes until the bottom of the bread starts to turn golden brown and then flip and cook until that side browns.
To make the brown sugar lemon sauce, spoon about a tablespoon of brown sugar onto each slice of french toast. With the back of the spoon, spread it over the whole slice. Drizzle lemon juice, about a teaspoon, over the brown sugar enough to moisten all the brown sugar. This will create a syrup the longer it sits.