Do-It Yourself Pineapple Shoes

Ever refer to yourself as big foot? Yea, me too! Welcome to the club, the one, we really wish we didn’t belong to. We are the folks who dread shoe shopping because we will have a max of twelve shoes to choose from and there will be at least one duplicate in the mix. It’s a sad, sad state of affairs, for anyone with feet that top the charts at the 11 and over sizes. This summer, I got fed up with the limited selection and decided to make my own Do-It Yourself Pineapple Shoes.
I didn’t inherit my mom’s tiny size eight feet. My 5’7″ body stopped growing but my feet didn’t get the memo and continued to grow to a whopping size 11. I’ve been known to wear men’s runners, because the lady’s sizes stop at 10 for any of the popular styles. Being that, it’s nearly impossible to find a cute pair of shoes in one of those boutique stores, I don’t even waste my time there anymore.

Limited selection is a real problem
It’s super frustrating, can you tell? Yes, I know I can order larger sizes online, and trust me, I’ve looked. The selections are still limited and I don’t want the hassle of returning shoes. Doesn’t everyone try on shoes before they buy them?
A couple weeks ago, I was walking through Walmart and I happened to go through the shoe aisle and found a pair of plain white slip ons in my size. Praise the shoe gods. I quickly picked up a pair. It felt like I’d just won the shoe lottery. I knew I could do something fun with these.

I came across some fabric markers online and decided I could draw on a simple design. It wasn’t hard to settle on pineapples, I love the pretty gold coloured fruit. And they’re the perfect fruit to add to any design. So, that’s exactly what I did. And you guys (especially you, with the big feet, I’m sending you extra love) these are the cutest shoes! They’re fun, a little whimsical and perfect for summer.
HOW TO MAKE your own Do-It Yourself Pineapple Shoes

- a pair of white canvas shoes
- disappearing ink marker (for layout)
- fabric markers
- waterproof spray (optional)

- Firstly, you’ll want to test the fabric on your shoes with the disappearing ink marker, just to make sure it doesn’t permanently mark your shoes.
- Then, using the disappearing ink marker, mark a rough layout of where you’d like your pineapples. I also, use the purple ink as a guide. It’s much easier to have a design to follow when colouring everything in.
- Once, you’re happy with your layout. Using the yellow marker, fill in the body of the pineapple. Then using the green marker mark quite a few lines at the top of each pineapple to represent the stem. Finally, mark little “v” shapes all over the body of the pineapples. This helps it look a little more recognizable.
- If you’d like you can spray your shoes, once they’re dry, with a waterproof spray.
So, with this, I’m squashing my big foot dilemma. I now have a cute pair of shoes that are exactly what I want. And it took zero effort and just a little bit of time. The perfect craft that will keep you stylish all year long.

Loved Do-It Yourself Pineapple Shoes? Check out these other fun crafts and DIY projects, I’m sure they’ll be a hit:
If you get a chance to make this or any other craft on the blog and want to share. Please feel free to tag @candyjarchronicles or use #candyjarchronicles on Instagram, so I can see your photo. I’d love to see what you’re crafting in your home!
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